Friday, October 27, 2017

September Quilt Group @ Luann's

This is the heart quilt that Jan is making for Donna’s sisters group home. The other photos are Jan’s Dresden Christmas quilt.


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Heddy made this beautiful quilt a few years ago and keeps it tucked away in her cedar chest so her 100# dog doesn’t get on it.

The 2 quilts that Vickie brought were made by her sister. The Dresden plate was hand quilted.

Donna brought a quilt that is being donated to her sisters nursing home.

Luann brought her finished Dresden plate quilt and a quilt top made from flannel that came from Mary Ann’s friend.

The Halloween fabric for the banner is called the queen of we'en by Janet Wecker-Frisch. There is a web site -

She made the “box on Box” king size quilt for her daughter.

A fiend of Luann's and Jan’s, Sandra Scott, has been a student of Sally and brought the quilt she made. Thanks to Sandra for picking up Sally and bringing her to quilt group.

Jan invited Sally Morgan to tell us about her creative art quilting. Sally is very accomplished and has been commissioned by the church to make a quilt. She walked us through the process of sketching, choosing fabrics and the different techniques she uses. She is always learning new techniques.
 Sally is an amazing, delightful 80 year old.

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